Friday, December 12, 2008


Each of us in our own lives make history. "Yourstory".
Christmas is a time to make some memorable history with family and friends. Wednesday marked an new twist to our traditional Christmas tree event. We usually went to Home Depot and froze (even in California) and picked out the best tree, another sister and I being the strongest in our opinions (:o!
This year, we headed to Lowes, where we proved bundled enough to smile at the cold (just a smirk though). We had a special family friend join us in our annual store tree hunt. He kindly joined us in our mission and approved our final decision. Upon arriving home, we hauled the christmas decor up the steps onto the center of our living room. As a family we enjoyed introducing my sister's special friend to our family christmas decor and traditions. The Walton's Christmas CD went on full blast and we (all tired from finishing the college quarter) proceeded to decorate with that dangerous silly mood that emerges upon completing a heavy quarter.
Oatmeal chocolate cookies came out and we indulged our tired systems to more sugar.
It was fun, exhuasting, and history making. The first courtship, the first "stranger" to join our family traditions, it was history in our own family.

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This is a place to read snipets of history, presented from a Biblical mindset. Learning from the past is essential. One learns the mistakes and successes from our heritage and is guided in wiser paths to make your own stamp on history.