Saturday, August 16, 2008

Lifted up To God

The hymn verses 1-5 were written by Sarah F. Adams (1805-1848) and the last by Edward H. Bickersteth, Jr.
It is based off the Biblical story when Jacob escapes from Esau and embarks on a tumultous time in his life. Running from home, tuckered out, he lies down on bare ground with only a stony pillow to raise his head. Here his destiny lies in a cloud, circumstances both physical, spiritual, and material are harsh and discouraging. His future lies undefined, will it ever pull together? Yet here in the mist of such inner turmoil and trying circumstances, he is lifted up to God.
One of the most difficult conditions in life is enduring spiritual depression or uncertainty. Here in this difficulty, emerges a beautiful dream, a beautiful promise from God. The Lord our Shepherd, uses these spiritual lows to reach down and raise us nearer to Him. Here He brings a vision where a ladder from heaven reaches down to earth, humble earth; an analogy of God's redeeming plan of salvation that connects us to God. Jacob had just lied to his father Issac and now was facing the consequences; yet, God in compassion lifts him up to see Himself, so that Jacob awoke and said this was where God was. What a feeling! When a bubbling urge to reach God arises and you sense Him, His being, it is incredible. Oh God may you bring me nearer to Thee in times of difficulty, when the future looks grey, when things don't pan out the way I want... be my all in All, my Savior, my Shepherd, my Husband, my Father.

Hymn facts:
Thoughts: Daughters of Destiny by Noelle Wheeler

History is not our story

Thinking on History the past week for my admissions to Western and an upcoming event, I've enjoyed realizing how it is so connected to God. History is God at work, He is the author of all these events and is bringing about a wonderful final ending to the tale. Christ will come back and vanquish the enemies and bring this great big history book to an awesome end. We must be on the right side of history, the right side of the Hero or we will be defeated and imprisoned.


This is a place to read snipets of history, presented from a Biblical mindset. Learning from the past is essential. One learns the mistakes and successes from our heritage and is guided in wiser paths to make your own stamp on history.