Thursday, December 25, 2008

Where do the Christmas Trees fit in?

So why do we put a tree into our homes and beautify its branches with ornaments and lights? Where do we see that in the Bible's description of Christ's birth?

Apparently in Germany fir trees were decorated with natural things like apples, roses or candies. Prince Albert married to Queen Victoria of England shared the tradition with his family, a event report throughout the island. English citizens seeking to emulate their beloved Queen copied(All things Christmas).

One article introducing the possible origins for the tree discussed a Middle Ages play where the Paradise Tree, decked with apples, symbolized the Tree of Life. The play depicts Adam and Eve's fall, a situation resolved with the coming of Christ. People wanting their own "Paradise Tree" brought their own into their homes (All about Jesus Christ).

One tradition credits Martin Luther as the first to decorate a Christmas tree with candles. As he walked and enjoyed the snow shimmering on the trees, he decided to imitate the scene in his home. Bringing in a fir tree, he lighted candles in honor of our Savior's birth (All about Jesus Christ).

There are several possible sources for this common tradition. I like to think of it related to the "Paradise Tree", which ties our original sin and this day of Christ's birth, the resolution to humanity's problem.
All about


Annie said...

Wow...I had no idea that Christmas trees had such a long history (I'd heard of Victoria and Albert introducing them, but nothing before that). It was also neat to read how some men of old used Christmas trees to honor Christ and tell His-Story!
Thanks for sharing!

Kelsey said...

I thought it was so neat a couple years ago when I found out that Martin Luther may have been involved with the original Christmas tree. I love learning little tidbits like that!


This is a place to read snipets of history, presented from a Biblical mindset. Learning from the past is essential. One learns the mistakes and successes from our heritage and is guided in wiser paths to make your own stamp on history.